AI Integration

Discover the power of AI in Semiconductors with NanoTech Strategies. Our locally run models ensure data security and unleash productivity. We specialize in extracting clean data and fine-tuning models tailored to semiconductor datasets. Seamlessly run on consumer-grade graphics cards, our AI chatbot accelerates insights and data analysis for your team. Tailored solutions and rapid responses await with our expert fine-tuning services.

  • Development of locally run semiconductor models

  • Train a model on pdfs, powerpoints, word documents, etc.

  • User-Friendly interface for communication

Example Logs on a Model Finetuned for GaN Processing

Why Work with Us?

We are a US company based in Rochester, NY which offers expertise and flexibility.

  • Flexibility in project size

  • Wide range of materials and capabilities

  • Experienced tackeling problems

  • Detailed communications and insight